I have updated the Statistics page today. Characters are now unique per server on the leaderboards and only their best performance will be ranked. Also, HPS is now Effective HPS and ranked by it.
Still left to do:
- Success vs wipe distinction
- Couple outstanding bugs
Thanks for all the reports confirming bosses. Please keep them coming! Apologies for this update taking so long, but due to the nature of the way I was previously calculating effective hps, it required a significant update and coding re-work to allow it to be ranked. In addition to the items listed above left to do, I hope to make general convenience improvements to the Statistics page (one example is adding a link to group logs if they are available).
If there is anything you would like to see, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks!
Thanks for all the great feedback on the Statistics page. I still need quite a few of the bosses confirmed, so please, if you can help me confirm the ones that are flagged (a warning message appears on the boss's stat page) e-mail me your combat log or a link to your log uploaded to my website and specify which version of the instance you were running. I have received a few e-mails in regards to confirming bosses, and I really appreciate them!
Based on feedback here are the changes I will be working on to the statistics/rankings:
- Clear distinction of success vs wipe in the leaderboards. Only successes will be ranked.
- Character names will be unique per server on the leaderboards, meaning the same person won't appear more than once, just their best performance.
- Healing will be ranked on effective HPS *the details on this aren't finalized*
- And some general bugs I've noticed.
Thanks again for the feedback, please keep it coming. I'm currently working on these changes and hope to have them done in the next few days.